Guitar Stories: Full Video Process of Making Guitar Out of One Shelf

Guitar Stories: Full Video Process of Making Guitar Out of One Shelf

Guitar Stories: Full Video Process of Making Guitar Out of One ShelfGuitar Stories: Full Video Process of Making Guitar Out of One Shelf

Tchiks Guitar and Furniture is a YouTube channel which is made by a 33-year-old amateur woodworker from Brussels, Belgium.

We don’t know the name of the guy who is behind this channel, but as he wrote he started with woodworking in June 2017 and made his first guitar in September 2019.

He is from a professional background that doesn’t require a lot of manual work or even creativity. His grandfather was a cabinet maker and woodworking teacher, as well as his father who works in the construction.

“I learned woodworking by watching YouTube videos, and reading a few books, but mostly by practicing, experimenting, and solving problems. I believe that if you stare long enough at a problem, a jig will eventually magically pop up,” he has written.

His YouTube channel is meant to be a contribution to the YouTube woodworking community. Without which he wouldn’t be making anything at all.

On June 18, 2020, he shared his video of the full process of building a guitar out of one shelf. Video least for almost half an hour. While watching you will have the opportunity to see in more detail how the man has built this guitar.

“This is my third guitar, handcrafted in Brussels, Belgium. I used wood from a shelf to make the body, not only because Brian May is my hero, but mostly because the build started in the middle of April 2020. When Belgium was in complete lockdown. Making this guitar may look tedious to you, but this was my own personal therapy,” he wrote in the description of the video.

The video went viral on YouTube and until now have more than 1 million views at all. If you want to see the specs just visit the description of the original link.

Guitar Stories: Full Video Process of Making Guitar Out of One Shelf

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