Gallery: The Fans Shared Their CDs Collections of Dire Straits

Gallery: The Fans Shared Their CDs Collections of Dire Straits

Dire Straits CD Collection

Today, we would like to share with all our readers a few pictures of a CD collection by the fans of Dire Straits. Namely, our team has found two interesting posts from a Facebook Group.

The picture below is shared on April 2, 2020, by Luke Bristow from Hythe, Kent, United Kingdom. He wrote: “I found this today at work.” Namely, he found a DVD CD of the Local Hero movie by Bill Forsyth.

A picture by Luke Bristow from Hythe, Kent, United Kingdom.

On April 14, 2020, a man under the name FJ Colores, who is probably from Mexico shared his deluxe collection of the Dire Straits CDs and two DVDs. Namely, on the post, he wrote: “Good morning, I share my collection. Greetings from Mexico.” You can check the gallery below!

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