“We Are The Sultans of Swing”

“We Are The Sultans of Swing”

Mark Knopfler

This song by Dire Straits is one of the greatest classic hits of all time. Guitarist and singer Mark Knopfler. He had a serious gift from God for making songs and rhythms which changed the music landscape at that time.

“Sultans of Swing” is written by Knopfler, and is the most known song from Dire Straits, quite good one too, positive song about loving the way that good music can make you feel great.


Written in 1977 and originally recorded as a demo “Sultans of Swing” is one of those songs that fans and music critics can universally agreed that this melody had a legendary sound.

Back in 1979 the song was no.1 music hit around London and all radio stations. Without the bass and drums behind Knopfler, you can experience the full range of his talent down below on video.


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