The Stories and Comments from the Fans of Dire Straits!

The Stories and Comments from the Fans of Dire Straits!

The Stories and Comments from the Fans of Dire Straits – Part 2On Every Street

From today we are starting with one interesting series of blog posts, articles, which would be good and interesting for all our true and loyal fans and followers of Dire Straits Blog.

We decided to share some of the most interesting comments so far by the fans from our Facebook Fan Page. Namely, you all together constantly comment on our Facebook posts and you all share your opinions and knowledge which you have it for Dire Straits. Because of that, we decided to share a couple of interesting comments.

Thomas L. Briggs – commented: “I was on my way to the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in South Dakota, USA, when I stopped in the town of Vermillion for the night. There was an old-time dinner there close to the Tomahawk Motel. The booths still had the small jukeboxes on the tables. I looked through the songs I could pick. I think it cost a dime or something like that, to play a tune. One song and band name caught my eyes. Never heard of them, but I thought I’d give it a try. “Sultans of Swing,” Dire Straits…I was immediately being struck! I thought to myself “Finally” thanks to God! The music at the time was not very interesting. At least to me, Dire Straits changed all of that for me instantly!”

Michael Green for the album Brother in Arms’ –  commented: “I remember the very first time I brought the album home and I played it. I knew I was having a musical experience that I would probably never experience again. I listened to that album three times back to back, over the next three hours. Every note of every track was perfect. No filler tracks, no filler notes, within each track. This album is the album I judge all music. Yes, I am a die-hard fan, but this album even transcends that. Sheer genius.”

Stephanie Carels – commented: “I never had a Walkman style player, but I remember I used the song “Brothers in Arms” to test the quality of a stereo system I had installed in my car shortly after the album was released. It was such a sonically perfect song and album, that it seemed the best way to detect any flaws in the system.”

Andrew Dean – commented: “It really does give you a good feeling reading these posts. People all over the world telling how songs affect them, where and how they have experienced Mark Knopfler in concert, favorite parts of the songs and etc. It’s just great to know we are all impacted by the same sounds and experiences.”

Stefan Eberle – commented: “I saw them back then in Munich, Germany when they had their “On Every Street” tour. After “Sultans of Swing” the audience applauded for close to 10-minutes. In the end, Mark raised a white towel as a sign that he “surrenders,” that was a magical moment, thank you, Mark!”

Gabriel Lema Makianich for the album ‘On Every Street’ – commented: “And not a minor issue, this record sounds amazing. I’m not talking about the songs, arrangements, and performances (which are out of this world), I’m talking about the recording, mixing, and mastering. It’s been almost 30-years and I don’t think that I have listened to a better-recorded album.”

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