Hit The Tone – Dive into The Iconic “Money for Nothing” Sound with Thomann’s Channel

Hit The Tone – Dive into The Iconic “Money for Nothing” Sound with Thomann’s Channel

Hit The Tone - Dive into The Iconic “Money for Nothing” Sound with Thomann's ChannelHit The Tone - Dive into The Iconic “Money for Nothing” Sound with Thomann's Channel

If you’re looking for demos and lessons, we suggest checking out the YouTube channel “Thomann’s Guitars & Basses.”

This channel features a team of four people: Julia, Kris, Guillaume, and Patrick. They deliver a weekly dose of music content. Their “music menu” includes new guitar lessons every Monday with Guillaume in the “Hit The Tone” episodes.

Additionally, there are new guitar gear checks every other Wednesday with Guillaume and Kris. Technical advice for instrument care is provided every Thursday in “Guitar Tech Tips” with Kris. The menu also features the grooviest bass videos on the internet, presented by Julia every other Friday.

The team is based in Germany. If drums, synths, and music in general interest you, they also maintain other channels. Click on one of the names to find more videos “Thomann’s Drum Bash,” “Thomann Synthesizers,” and “Thomann Music.”

In today’s “Hit The Tone” episode, we are presenting a video by Guillaume where he explains how to play the classic tone of the song “Money for Nothing” for all Dire Straits fans. He guides you step by step through achieving the playing sound, with a focus on the riff and intro.

As Guillaume said, “This song is probably one of the most heavily requested, with at least one comment per video since I started this series. It’s one of the most iconic rock guitar riffs of all time, played by Mr. Mark Knopfler. Not only the riff in itself but the sound is just legendary.”

“I’m going to do my best, and we’ll see what works,” he added. For this episode, he used his PRS S2 guitar, which features dual humbuckers. It’s worth noting that “Money for Nothing” was famously recorded on a Gibson Les Paul, but Guillaume did his best with his equipment.

He also explains his amp and pedal setup, with all the details available in the video below. Essentially, he focuses on teaching riffs, licks, and intros to provide you with all the tools needed to recreate the iconic sound.

While not freshly uploaded, this video has garnered around 18,700 views since its sharing and publication in May 2020. We hope you enjoy it. In its 7-minute duration, you’ll learn how to play this iconic Dire Straits song. Enjoy!

Learn ‘Money for Nothing’ by Dire Straits in Hit The Tone Episode

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