Are Dire Straits and Bruce Springsteen have similar riffs?

Are Dire Straits and Bruce Springsteen have similar riffs?


In the world of music there are many songs and massive lyrics. Some of them have similarities and some of them have differences.

Anyway, Dire Straits is a band from 1978 and their songs are classics. Many of today’s bands and musicians tried to copied they, but Dire Straits are unique.

Bruce Springsteen it is also unique in his music style. He started with music long time ago in 1964 and he is active till today. He has 64 years and he is still fresh for creating new music.

But, what we listened to, is that one of his songs is very similar to the ‘Romeo and Juliet’ classic song of Dire Straits from 1980. Bruce’s album ‘Born to Run’ is from 1975 and have 8 songs including ‘Jungleland’, which have similarities with ‘Romeo and Juliet’.

We do not say anything is rip off, but we just pointing out how the elements of songs can be very similar. Probably similar, because DS and Bruce in both songs feature pianist Roy Bittan. What is your opinion for this?

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