A few days ago, the ex-member from Dire Straits and keyboardist Alan Clark published a video on his YouTube Channel where he speaks about the “stolen” MTV video music awards. He also takes a chance to announced the new DSL Tour 2020 starting from Rome, Italy on the 1st of March at the Teatro Auditorium Conciliazione.
In the video below he said: “There’s an interesting story about this award. A few weeks ago, someone alerted me on a fact that it was up for auction. Now, even though it has my name on it, I never received this award, someone took it before I picked it up and ended up in a display cabinet of a well-known DJ for the past 30 years or so. Well, long-story-short a letter from my lawyer and here it is alongside me.”
Check the video below and find out where they gonna perform this year.
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