These days the news coming from the ex-pianist of Dire Straits – Alan Clark. He already published the first track of his new album ‘Backstory’. Click here if you want to listen to the first track and watch the full official video. ‘Backstory’ is the newest album by Alan Clark, fulfilled with tracks that he played on with various artists and bands over the years.
The first track is the Dire Straits’ “Romeo and Juliet”. As the fans and audience always want to say – this is one of the greatest and beautiful ballads and love songs by Dire Straits.
The video below is short footage by Alan, where he speaks about the song “Romeo and Juliet”. In this one-and-a-half-minute video, Alan said: “I’ve recorded the song ‘Romeo and Juliet’ which is another fabulous Dire Straits song.”
He also added that he didn’t play on the original recording. “I joined the band just after they’re re-recording that album, which was Making Movies. But I played it a quite lot thereafter. And I ended up with arranging with Mark a long live version of it, which is featured on the Alchemy record and various lots of stuff on the internet now.”
“It’s a great song. Some people say it’s the best song ever written, and I couldn’t argue with that,” he added.
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