“The Ragpicker’s Dream” – Guitar video lesson by Pavel Fomenkov

“The Ragpicker’s Dream” – Guitar video lesson by Pavel Fomenkov

The Ragpicker's Dream - Pavel Fomenkov.

Russian guitarist – Pavel Fomenkov made one amazing video lesson for all guitarists and Mark Knopfler’s fans. In some of the past post’s that we published about Pavel’s video lessons, he showed you how to play some of your favorites songs from Mark.

In 2016 on December 18, Pavel published this video lesson on his YouTube Channel. This video lesson is about one of his favorites songs from Mark Knopfler – “The Ragpicker’s Dream”, song which Mark Knopfler recorded for his third solo album of 2002 with the same name.

Mark Knopfler never talked much about this song, but however “The Ragpicker’s Dream” is one pure and amazing inspirational song as Pavel said – sounds so live and fresh, like a piece of heaven because he loves jazz and waltzes, and this song it’s jazz-waltz from Mark.

The video is long 16-minutes and Pavel will show you all the chords, verses, the song structure and little tips and tricks for how to play “The Ragpicker’s Dream” song. He played on his 1997 Gibson Advanced Jumbo guitar as he usually used in every video.

The song, according to Mark, is about his “ultimate theme” which is dignity, as Mark said in his 2002 interview. Arrangement itself is ingenious. The complete instrument choices, brilliant Pedal Steel, beautiful keyboards and piano, make this arrangement to be just perfect.

This song it supposed to be one of the giants like “Sailing to Philadelphia” or “Brothers in Arms”. The song is very personal and very “homecoming” and warm song.

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