“It Never Rains” – Dire Straits Full Band Cover by Marco Gitto

“It Never Rains” – Dire Straits Full Band Cover by Marco Gitto

“It Never Rains” – Dire Straits Full Band Cover by Marco Gitto“It Never Rains” – Dire Straits Full Band Cover by Marco Gitto

The fifth and final song from Love Over Gold album by the British rock band Dire Straits is “It Never Rains”. Very few people on the internet have made a cover video of this song. But, Marco Gitto did his best to make a complete video cover for all our fans and readers. We are pleased to show you the video that Marco made it. You can listen to it and give us your opinion.

As Marco wrote, the arrangement for this song was hard since he didn’t found any sheet of music. Also, he removed the piano and the organ parts, replaced by the chords on the acoustic guitar. He played all the instruments in the video by himself.

Our team asked him a few questions and he answered and added some interesting facts about his video. Read the full article below and enjoy the video. The video cover for this song is made and uploaded in January 2021!

What kind of music do you like and who is your favorite music bands/artists? 

“When I started playing guitar I had one old CD by The Beatles. They have been my first inspiration to music, and I still listen to them a lot. During the years I started exploring various genres and bands. From rock progressive to a little bit of metal and hard rock, but also classical pieces. Today, the most important names in my mind are Dire Straits, Paul McCartney, Kings of Convenience, The Whitest Boy Alive, Clueso, and The Beatles.”

About Dire Straits, when was the first time when you listened to a song from them, which song was that and when was the first cover version that you made from Dire Straits? 

“The first time I listened to a song from them was on TV many years ago, but I didn’t pay really much attention. The real interest started in autumn of 2019, thanks to a colleague in university. We traded our playlists, and so I started traveling with these songs. With time I got particularly interested in Love Over Gold album.”

Which are your favorite classic songs from Dire Straits?

“‘It Never Rains’ is a piece full of different and changing emotions. The long climax from the start to the final solo convinced me to try it. Never done something like that. I’m self-taught, but the song itself is so awesome, and this was enough to motivate me to keep going. Not only the solo but also the backing track was a panic. Maybe I didn’t search very well, but I didn’t found any chords, so I spent time also listening carefully to both live and studio versions.”

“I think I like all the songs except for a few. At the top of my favorite, I’d place, of course ‘It Never Rains’. The others would be ‘Telegraph Road’, ‘Private Investigation’, ‘Brothers in Arms’, ‘Money For Nothing’, ‘Sultans of Swing’, ‘Setting Me Up’, ‘Follow Me Home’, ‘You and Your Friend’, ‘Planet New Orleans’, and many others!”

How many cover versions of Dire Straits songs have you made?

“At this moment my only cover is the video for ‘It Never Rains’, but I’m planning to do also something more popular, like ‘Sultans of Swing’ or ‘Money for Nothing’”.

What is your motto in life and what is that which motivates you to continue with good vibes and positive energy in life?

“I think that doing this cover will be a milestone that I won’t easily forget because I couldn’t have expected even to complete it at the beginning. So I’d say, always keep trying to do what can make you better. And also, always choose the most difficult path.”

And for the end can you tell something to all fans who read the Dire Straits Blog?

“To all the fans, thanks for your great musical taste! We can grow stronger together and let the good music rings everywhere!”

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