Custom Kitchen is a tribute band to Dire Straits from Strasbourg, France. Dire Straits Blog made an interview with the frontman of the band Yann Gutter. He told us interesting things for the band, and share the videos from their first live gig in July 2019.
They are currently looking for more concerts because their goal is to share the music of Dire Straits as much as they can. Below is the interview that we made it with the frontman of the band Yann Gutter. Enjoy reading and watch the videos below.
Hello Yann, it is a pleasure to talk with you and to share your work with all Dire Straits fans and followers. Can you tell us how older are you, when did you start to play with Custom Kitchen, and how many members the band counts?
I am 42-years-old and I formed the band back in 2019. Also, the same year we had the first live concert in July of 2019. Until now we are six members in the band and all of them are friends of mine from the area where I live. Alex is the guy behind the keyboard, Fred is our drummer, Oliver is playing on the saxophone, Nico is the rhythm guitar player, and Foes is on the bass guitar.
So, what about you. You’re only the vocal singer of the band or you’re playing on the guitar too?
I’m playing as the lead guitar of the band and also I’m the vocal singer.
How many concerts did you have it until now, and did you have any plan for the future?
Unfortunately, until now we had only one live concert but our goal is to play as much as we can. We are now in touch with a producer, and this year is coming up a few more gigs. For one date we are sure and that is the 10th October in “La Grange Burckle” in Masevaux. If everything is going well on the 21st of June 2020 is the music fest in France and we are planning to take a place, there. After that, we are planning to be in the places in our area for the next fall.
In which city it would be the Music Fest in France?
It should be in Obernai – a small pretty town near Strasbourg, but it’s not sure yet, it depends if the producer is able to get good conditions.
Are the French people knowing about Dire Straits, and if yes, did they like their music?
The people here loved the music of Dire Straits and Mark Knopfler, and of course, they all very good know who are Dire Straits.
What kind of music do you like and who is your favorite music bands and artists?
So, of course, in the first place is Dire Straits and I love them because they were the first musical love for me and the first sight when I started to play on the guitar after I listened to the Mark Knopfler music. Today, I went to more Rock N’ Roll and I have few more idols including Jimi Hendrix, Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, Lenny Kravitz, and The Rolling Stones.
What is your motto in life and what is that which motivates you to continue with good vibes and positive energy in life?
My motto in life is to enjoy life as much as you can because it is for sure too short! Try to live your dream and for your own dream, or otherwise, someone else is going to hire you to work for his! The good vibes for me are coming from what you are able to share with the others. When you can make other people happy and joyful, it just starts “pouring down” on everybody! I try as much as I can to do that: make other people happy when they are with me.
Do you enjoy listening to Dire Straits and if you must choose one song from them, which one it would be?
I can’t get bored listening to Dire Straits. I think it’s the only band that makes this effect on me. I listen to them for almost 30 years and I think I’m sure I will listen to them for another 30 years more.
If I had to choose one song, I think it would be probably “Telegraph Road.” But it’s a very difficult choice. “Telegraph Road” is an iconic song of their music. You can almost find every aspect of Mark’s playing. My second choice would be “Brothers in Arms,” because sometimes when this song it’s played on the radio here in France, and each time when I hear it, it still gives me goosebumps.
And for the end of this interview can you please tell something to all fans who read the Dire Straits Blog?
Finally, for all the blog fans I just want to say that I’m really happy to be part of your community, and really happy to get so much information about the band that I love since when I was a child. It’s so great that young people can find information and music from such a great band and can still listen to this material because I still find it so much fuller than what is produced nowadays. Blogs like this one are important to keep the memory of those beloved artists. It is also great to light bands and persons that help to keep this music alive, so what a great job you are doing, THANKS A LOT!
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