BlueSide Band is a band from Italy, formed in 2016. BlueSide Band is a Rock and Punk band, but generally their style is Rock N’ Roll.
Simone Cecconi is a front-man of the band and his role is “voice and bass guitar”, while other members Domenico Rufo and Daniele Rufo play on guitar and Pietro Brusca is on drums. The band started to collaborate because of good communication between Simone and brothers Domenico and Danielle Rufo, and they immediately started with performances.
Together they passed the tour of music festivals around Italy firstly in Frosinone and latter in Rome. Many reporters said that their music style is between rock and punk which is inspired from American big bands such as “The Offspring”, “Blink 182” and “Green Day”.
Their goal was to create a band which is born from the spirit of the band members and to create something that will last.
They have passed the selection of the “Anime Di Carta” International competition, and thanks to this competition the band left good music and “punk” in Rome. However we need good young bands with a bunch of different styles, and down below is a video from BlueSide where they played one song from Dire Straits.
The song that they played is “So Far Away” in a really easy way of singing including acoustic guitars and one electric guitar. Very nice cover version from BlueSide band, enjoy in this easy and relaxing cover.
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