In the past two months one of the videos from Dire Straits have reached 100 million views on YouTube. It’s about for their video for the song ‘Sultans of Swing’ (Alchemy live).
The video is uploaded by VEVO, which is the official service for Dire Straits and the official channel for them on YouTube is DireStraitsVEVO.
Published on 20 April 2010, after seven years, six months and one day this video have total 101,014,091 views on YouTube. This video is one of the most eagerly anticipated videos from Dire Straits. With this video, their Alchemy Live version, is restored to pristine high definition visual clarity, remixed and with digital sound.
Otherwise, Sultans of Swing is one of the best known songs by Dire Straits among the others that they have. This song was on their debut album with five other songs in 1977, the “Sultans of Swing” was the first song which was in the “air rotation” on the radio.
With this song, Dire Straits launched their career, and the song have reached top numbers at the charts around world.
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