Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Why Dire Straits were best band in the world?

Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Why Dire Straits were best band in the world?


Mixed with blues and a dash of country, Dire Straits were one of the few rock bands to break out in an era dominated by punk and disco.

Introspective lyrics with out-of-this-world guitar and drum sounds, made them one of the most original rock bands of the 80s.

Dire Straits are nominated for the first time to be represented into Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Next year maybe would be the year for Dire Straits comeback. At this moment, on the official web site of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Dire Straits are on the third position below Bon Jovi and Moody Blues with 481,243 votes.

The members of band: Mark Knopfler, David Knopfler, Alan Clark, Guy Fletcher, John Illsley and Pick Withers were the best team of the 80s and they rocked on all around through the world in the early 90s.

Dire Straits never lost touch with inspiration and wellspring of creativity with which they began, even as they ascended the heights of worldwide phenomenon under the leadership of lead guitarist Mark Knopfler.

From their first hit single “Sultans of Swing”, Dire Straits described a group of musicians who play for the love of the sound they ensemble rather than fame of fortune. With Knopfler’s stinging, uniquely melodic and clean-edged guitar, the band stood in direct contrast to the punk rock enveloping London at the time.

With the cultural MTV moment that DS had with song “Money For Nothing”, Dire Straits and later Knopfler’s solo career presented a music that never shied from the complexities of human relationship, or the soaring guitar solos that give us the will to rise above such potentially divisive conflicts.

With a universally acknowledged virtuoso musician, lyrically ornate and emotionally charged, Dire Straits set a standard of excellence and achievement that continues to resonate, a reputation that has only grown through the years. A band for all time. Vote for Dire Straits by clicking below the text.


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