“Grace in the Gutter” is a song by David Knopfler released in 2011 on his 12th solo studio album called Acoustic with Harry Bogdanovs. Back in 2013, just before his 13th solo studio album, David was in San Francisco, California and he was a special guest in the studio of Radio KFOG, and he joined live in the morning program with Tim and Greg.
“It’s great to be here. Lovely to be back in California. It’s just so nice to come a thousand miles south, you know although San Francisco cause is famous for its windy little inlet that drops the temperature by 20 degrees as he comes in,” David said.
David and Tom talked about David’s solo career, his film works, writings, the work for the German televisions that David had, as well as his work with Harry Bogdanovs, and his stay in New York City because of his love. After a couple of questions, David started with his live performance which he played the song “Grace in the Gutter.” He also showed his fingerpicking technique.
“I really enjoy your guitar unique playing style – fingerpicking. That’s what’s really unique, immediately when you started playing,” Tom said.
“It’s really going back to what I used to do when I was 14 or 15 in my school folk. That’s how I learned before I knew how to strum. You couldn’t get lessons in those days, you just had to try and figure it out yourself. There was nobody would ever teach you, I mean there are no classes. If you went to your music teacher and said you wanted to play the guitar you just get strapped for it or slapped forever painful something in an increase cool you know,” David finished.
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