9-minutes video about Mason-Dixon Line with Mark Knopfler

9-minutes video about Mason-Dixon Line with Mark Knopfler


Yesterday on BBC One – Inside Out in the North East & Cumbria show, was shown film about the 250th anniversary of the Mason Dixon line.

Mark Knopfler presented and tell that remarkable story about Charles Mason and Jeremiah Dixon.

Also Mark performed his amazing “Sailing to Philadelphia” song, which he was inspired by their unrepeatable story and work of Mason and Dixon.

230 Miles – Mason-Dixon line.

Mark said: “Their incredible achievements mean they really should be remembered as local heroes. I’m glad to have tried to keep them alive in one of my songs.”

Below is 9-minutes video, where Mark Knopfler together with some other members of this show like Todd Babcock – from Mason Dixon Preservation Partnership, David Thaler – Engineer and Mason Dixon Expert, the great-great-great-great-great nephew of Jeremiah Dixon – John Dixon, member from London Royal Society – Keith Moore-librarian and Erica Armstrong Dunbar which is historian tell and put together all parts from this incredible historic story.

Enjoy at whole story.

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