The 10 best-selling albums of the 1980’s in United Kingdom

The 10 best-selling albums of the 1980’s in United Kingdom


United Kingdom, Punk, Rock and Roll, music, London, Liverpool, Manchester…wonderful country with a huge potential of talents in all areas.

Music has always been a passion for people, over time there were other genres that later appeared. The Beatles, Rolling Stones, Dire Straits…a huge number of musicians, guitarists, drummers and bands. The whole mix of different styles and genres, songs and music passions today is still alive. From the past century, we have good memories and music that never will died.

The UK Albums Chart is a music chart that calculates the best-selling artist albums of the week in the United Kingdom. For the purposes of inclusion in the chart an album is defined by the Official Charts Company – OCC as being a type of music release that features more than four tracks and lasts longer than 25 minutes.

Music UK charts were in the hands of Gallup (private company who worked with opinion polls). Since 4 January 1983 when Gallup started the first working day until January 1994, the company compile the UK Charts.

At the end of 1989 – Gallup compiled two lists: The best-selling singles of the 1980s and The biggest-selling album of the 1980 in the UK.

At the first position on the list for the biggest-selling album was Dire Straits with “Brothers in Arms” – the album that was sold in more than 3.2 million copies by the end of 1989 and the first album in UK that was sold in million copies on CD alone.

Michael Jackson had the second and the third best-selling albums of the 1980s with Bad just overtaking Thriller by the end of the decade. In fourth place was Greatest Hits by Queen, which had sold over 1.9 million copies by 1989 and would go on to become the UK’s biggest-selling album of all time.

The same album by Queen in July 2016 it has sold more than 6.12 million copies. Queen’s second greatest hits album, Greatest Hits II, has sold approximately 4 million copies since being released in 1991, and is the tenth biggest-selling album in the UK.

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